Who Needs Disability Insurance?

If you are like most people on this planet, you are not financially free. You would not be able to stop working and still support yourself and your family from your financial resources. Your continued ability to work to earn an income would therefore be one of your greatest assets.
Your ability to work for a salary or wages would therefore be one of your greatest assets.
Have you insured this asset?
If disability suddenly stops you from being able to work, how would you earn an income?
How long would you survive without a paycheck?
If the situation described above is a cause for concern, you need disability income insurance.
You can become disabled either from an accident or for medical reasons.
One life insurance company defines disability as "the inability of the life assured to perform any part of any occupation in which he was engaged immediately before the onset of the incident
Insuring your most valuable asset

Further, the life assured must not be following any other gainful occupation"
Disability is often referred to in life insurance circles as the worse hazard, because if you become disabled: -
- You stop earning salaries or wages,
- Your life insurance policies will not pay a claim, since you didn't die,
- Your illness
Here are a few facts on disability: -
- Each year, 1 person in 8 will suffer disability
- 1/3 of all people between the ages of 30 and 64 will become disabled sometime in their lives
- At age 32, the chance of being disabled for 90 days is 6.5 times greater than the chance of death
- 75% of disabilities are caused by an illness rather than an accident
- Workers today are 3 times more likely to suffer a long-term disability than die during their working years
- The likelihood of being disabled for more
As you can see, the risk of disability due to illness or injury is great.
The cost of not being prepared is severe. Why take the chance? Even substantial savings can run out quickly if it is your only source of financial support.
If you are like most people who need to work in exchange for money, there is a need to protect one of your most valuable assets, i.e. your ability to earn an income.
Disability income insurance should therefore, be an important part of your long-term financial security plans.
It can help to secure your dreams, lifestyle and income, regardless of your occupation or industry.
This valuable income replacement plan is available from your local life insurance companies.
Call your life insurance advisor or enquire online for more information on this useful long-term financial security plan.
Published: Sunday, 1st Aug 2021
Author: 151