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Life Insurance for Millennials: Why It's Essential.

Life Insurance for Millennials: Why It's Essential.

As a millennial, you may believe that you're young, healthy, and have plenty of time to prepare for the future. However, it's essential to understand that life is unpredictable, and unexpected events can occur at any time. This is why it's essential to consider life insurance, particularly if you have financial responsibilities, dependents, or both.

Here's why life insurance is vital for millennials, the benefits you can expect, and what you need to know before buying a policy.

Why Millennials Need Life Insurance

While you may not feel the need for life insurance at a young age, remember that having a policy can provide financial protection for your loved ones should anything happen to you. Here are some reasons why millennials need life insurance:

Financial Responsibilities:

Insuring your most valuable asset
Image for Insuring your most valuable assetWhile many people would consider their home or their car to be their most valuable asset, it's your ability to earn an income that is most important in shaping your financial future. Statistically, two thirds of working Australians will suffer an injury or illness that will sideline them for 90 days or more. The majority of these people would not be able to pay their mortgage or meet car finance and other loan commitments without adequate income insurance.

If you have student loan debt, a mortgage, or other financial responsibilities that would be your family's burden should something happen to you, then life insurance can provide a safety net. Even if you're not sure you want to start a family, having a safety net can help you feel confident in making major financial decisions. 


If you have children or aging parents whom you care for financially, it's vital to ensure that they will be taken care of should anything happen to you. Life insurance can provide financial security to those left behind.

Unexpected Events and Accidents:

While millennials may feel invincible, unexpected events and accidents can happen to anyone. From illnesses or failing health conditions to accidents, having life insurance can make a difference in the outcome of your loved ones' financial security.

The Benefits of Life Insurance

Beyond these reasons why millennials need life insurance, there are benefits to having a policy, such as:

Providing Financial Protection:

Life insurance provides a death benefit payment to your beneficiaries in the event of your untimely death. This payment can help cover the costs and expenses related to the unexpected loss, from funeral costs to debt.

Peace of Mind:

Having life insurance can help you enjoy peace of mind knowing that your loved ones will have financial protection should anything happen to you. This peace of mind can help you reduce stress and financial anxiety.

Buying at a Young Age:

The younger you are when you purchase a policy, the lower your rates will usually be. This can make buying life insurance an excellent decision at a young age because you can lock in low rates for the future.

Types of Life Insurance Millennials Can Consider

Before purchasing a life insurance policy, consider the type of policy that is right for you, as there are several options to choose from. Here are the most common types of life insurance available:

Term Life Insurance:

This type of policy provides coverage for a set period, such as 10, 20, or 30 years. It's a popular option for young adults since it's typically lower in cost than permanent insurance, and you can determine the period of time you need coverage for.

Whole Life Insurance:

Whole life insurance provides coverage for your entire life, and it's more expensive than term life policy. It can be a good option for those looking to build cash value while also being covered by life insurance.

Universal Life Insurance:

This type of policy provides more flexibility in adjusting premiums and death benefits. You can adjust your policy holdings to align with your specific goals, a feature that can be especially appealing to millennials who are likely going through life and financial changes. Talking to an insurance professional can be helpful when determining which type of policy is best suited for your needs. 

Determining the Appropriate Coverage Amount

After deciding which policy type you want, it's time to determine the appropriate coverage amount. Consider the following factors when deciding:

Current and Future Expenses:

Factor in how much coverage you'll need to cover your loved ones' financial needs, such as paying off a mortgage, funding college education, or replacing your income.

Long-Term Financial Goals:

Determine how much your loved ones would need over the long-term and what your end goal is for investing in life insurance.

Finding the Best Life Insurance Policy for Millennials

When looking to purchase life insurance, it's essential to shop around, research different carriers' financial strength and reputation, and work with an experienced agent. Here are some tips:

Shop Around:

Gather quotes from multiple insurance carriers. Prices may vary significantly by company. Research the Carrier's Financial Strength and Reputation: Do research to find the financial strength of a carrier when it comes to their claim payment history and stability.

Work with an Experienced Adviser:

Work with a licensed insurance professional to ensure you get the coverage you need at a competitive price. 

Conclusion: As a millennial, life insurance may not be at the top of your mind. However, it's essential to remember that life can be uncertain, and having a policy can provide financial protection for your loved ones if the unanticipated happens.

Research the most suitable type of policy for your needs, determine the appropriate coverage amount, and talk to an experienced insurance professional when purchasing life insurance. With some preparation, you can put the necessary safeguards in place to protect your financial future.

Published: Saturday, 11th Mar 2023
Author: Paige Estritori

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